What type of blogger are you?  

Posted by Sheila Schroyer

As I've entered the world of blogging, I've come to observe different types of bloggers. What type are you?

Are you the wanna be blogger like I was when I started? I joined on-line journaling in July 2007 only to not publish another post for six months. I had grand and glorious ideas of what to say, images, provoking thoughts – only to let life steal them all away for a while.

How about a blog stalker? Blog stalkers peak into the lives of others. Others they may never even physically encounter. They get glimpses of different cultures, struggles, situations, and, sometimes; someone’s most intimate thoughts.

A bleeding heart blogger lays it all out there for us to read, sense, try to grasp or imagine ourselves in similar positions. They are not afraid of what others may feel or think about their thoughts and struggles rather they are inviting others into their lives.

Just for fun bloggers post photos, keep family and friends updated on the light, fun and enjoyable side of life. I believe I am primarily a “just for fun” blogger because I am intensely private. However, I believe I am moving and progressing to opening up more and more…while not quite to the same level as the bleeding heart blogger.

Devotional bloggers give us something to ponder. Challenging us to think about God, creation, Jesus, our relationship with Him, our response to Him...

The deep blogger is so lost in their own thoughts that it may be difficult to peak into their lives. Their thoughts may be dark and ominous, yet very real and poignant. The deep blogger doesn’t want to put surfacy words out there for us to contemplate. They want to get lost in the universal unknown world of blogging.

Blogging is an ultimate voyeuristic activity. One can see another’s life from the outside without any emotional or physical contact. Blogging may appear to give us a sense of intimacy that does not exist. It is this lack of true intimacy that can be a problem if one is so wrapped up in blogging that they evade real life. However, blogging can lead to some very positive results. For instance, a blog stalker may stumble across people dealing with deep hard life issues and stop to pray for them. Imagine a world where people are praying for you…and you don’t know their name…and you don’t even know they are praying for you…

Blogging is also a simple tool for family and friends to keep up with your daily life. Our lives sometimes seem to be spinning at warp speed. There hardly seems time to spend 15 minutes on the phone with a loved one. Running errands, working, taking care of our families, keeping up with our households - let alone doing anything for ourselves - are the priorities of the day. The simple life of hanging out on the porch with neighbors and friends seem to have gone by the way side. In my neighborhood, closed garage doors and front doors are the norm. While blogging doesn’t replace good old fashioned chitty chat, it does help to keep up with loved ones more frequently than a once a year Christmas letter.

Let me know what type or types of blogger you are OR if think of any other types of bloggers…I’m sure I’ve missed some.

Memoir in Six Words  

Posted by Sheila Schroyer







My memoir in six words. Pretty difficult and it may change over the coming days as I ponder what would I really want to be said about me. And do I live up to what I would want?